Volume 40 - Issue 34 - August 26, 2021
State of Kansas
Department of Transportation
Request for Comments
The Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT) requests comments on the amendment of the Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) FY 21-24. The comprehensive list of projects being amended to the STIP may be viewed online at http://www.ksdot.org/bureaus/burProgProjMgmt/stip/stip.asp. The project list includes projects for counties, cities, and projects on the state highway system. In addition to this list of projects is the September Administrative Narrative Modification #5 for updates that have occurred in the Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Programs narrative section of the STIP.
The amendment of the STIP requires a public comment period of 14 days. To make comment on this STIP amendment, contact KDOT’s Division of Program and Project Management, 2nd Floor Tower, 700 SW Harrison, Topeka, KS 66603-3754, phone 785-296-3254.
This information is available in alternative accessible formats. To obtain an alternative format, contact the KDOT Office of Public Affairs, phone 785-296-3585 (Voice/Hearing Impaired–711).
The comment period regarding the STIP amendment for these projects will conclude September 8th, 2021.
Julie Lorenz
Doc. No. 049392